DBA High School AAU Tryouts ’24
Entering it’s 10th Anniversary as one of the best AAU Basketball Clubs in all of California, DBA Drive is holding tryouts for its HS teams, sign up now!
DBA has placed 46 players into COLLEGE athletics and also assisted players/coaches who’ve gone on to become coaches at the HS, college, and NBA level!
HS Tryout #1
- Sunday, February 18th
- 5pm – to – 7pm
- Pioneer HS (main gym)
HS Tryout #2
- Monday, February 26th
- 6pm – to – 8pm
- Oak Grove HS (small gym)
Email coach@dbadrive.com with questions. If you cannot attend Tryout #1 due to vacation or CCS Playoffs, alert Coach Denker via email and make arrangements to attend Tryout #2. Your fee will cover BOTH tryouts so attend both for the best possible evaluation.